Symbols Database Listings


When used in imagery, the crossed hammers are usually set on different backgrounds. With chapters scattered worldwide, Hammerskins maintain they represent the working-class white. Prone to extreme violence. According to the Anti-Defamation League: The Hammerskin Nation is a racist skinhead gang that formed in 1988 with regional chapters in the U.S. and Europe. The Hammerskins have had longstanding ties to the Ethno-Supremacist music scene, organizing many white power music concerts and forming or joining a number of white power bands. A number of its members have been convicted of harassing, beating or murdering minorities.   The hand sign of the Hammerskins consists of two crossed forearms emulating the “crossed hammers” of the Hammerskins logo, this can be accompanied with literal tattoos of hammers on each forearm.   hammer, gear, shield, red, cog, nazis, tattoo

  • CATEGORIES SEARCH:: White supremacy, Far Right Wing Or Extreme Right Wing, Neo-nazi and white supremacist groups, White Supremacist, Ethno-Supremacist



Vlajka, which means in Czech "The Flag," was the name of a Czechoslovakian fascist and nationalist movement which became politically active in the 1930s.   runes, rune, red flag, flag

  • CATEGORIES SEARCH:: Far Right Wing Or Extreme Right Wing, Neo-nazi and white supremacist groups



The Vlaamsch Nationaal Verbond (VNV) was a Flemish Nationalist Socialist political party in Belgium formed in 1933. They desired to unite the many Flemish parties into a single party in Belgium. Their slogan was "Authority, discipline and Dietsland."   The usage of blue, white and orange are the colors of the (united) Netherlands. The blue triangle is the delta symbol, the Netherlands being the delta of major European rivers: Rhine, Meuse and Scheldt. There was also a red/black/white version that was widely used. This one was based directly on the swastika flag of Nazi Germany, using the exact same colors.   blue triangle, orange flag, orange blue and white flag, circle and triangle, triangle in circle, delta symbol

  • CATEGORIES SEARCH:: Neo-nazi and white supremacist groups



The TNSNC, like many other neo-Nazi movements, maintained a lightly armed, brown-shirted private militia in the "stormtrooper" tradition, under a white flag with a simplified red "Cross of Burgundy" defaced with a stylized black cross "dagger," which combines the neo-Nazi Arrow Cross and the Spanish Cross of Saint James.   x, cross, red x, white flag, arrow, arrow cross

  • CATEGORIES SEARCH:: Neo-nazi and white supremacist groups



The party was founded in 2008 when the Fatherland Union (Tevzemes savieniba) is a nationalist party that was founded in 2000 with ties to the former National Force Union.   red flag, flag, white diamond, latvian flag

  • CATEGORIES SEARCH:: Far Right Wing Or Extreme Right Wing



The Third Force (Tercera Fuerza), calling themselves a "cultural association," spread the usual distorted neo-Nazi version of the National Socialist world viewpoint. This small group, centered in the City of Pereira, operates a website openly under the protection of Article 20 of the Constitution of the Republic of Colombia, which guarantees full freedom of expression. They trace their origins back to 1956 and the original Third Force movement, whose main goal was to preserve their "pure" Hispanic Heritage.   wreath, arrow, rune, red flag, Nazi flag, flag, wheat

  • CATEGORIES SEARCH:: Far Right Wing Or Extreme Right Wing, Neo-nazi and white supremacist groups



The Tohokai (Far East Society) was founded in 1936 by Seigo Nakano who advocated a fascist Japan. Their flag design was based on the Japanese letter meaning "east" and on the swastika. The ultranationalist Tohokai party supported the Imperial Japanese Navy and pressured the government to halt what they considered the Imperial Army's overly-ambitious aim of conquering all of Asia.   sun wheel, red flag, black sun wheel

  • CATEGORIES SEARCH:: Far Right Wing Or Extreme Right Wing, Neo-nazi and white supremacist groups



The Shield Society was a Japanese imperialist militia in the 1970s that advocated for the military to restore imperial order.   helmet, leaf, red box, white box

  • CATEGORIES SEARCH:: Far Right Wing Or Extreme Right Wing



Thunder Cross is a Fascist political party from Latvia, formed in 1933. The group experienced a resurgence in 1995, yet many members had been arrested on terrorism charges before their association was banned in 2006.   swastika, cross, red flag, flag

  • CATEGORIES SEARCH:: Far Right Wing Or Extreme Right Wing, Neo-nazi and white supremacist groups



The Syrian Social Nationalist Party is a far-right political party based in Syria and Lebanon. The party policies have been heavily influenced by Italian and German fascist ideology, which was reinforced by its imitation of the external symbols of the Nazi Party. It advocates the establishment of a Greater Syrian nation-state spanning the ancient Fertile Crescent, including present Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Israel, the Palestinian territories, Cyprus, Kuwait, Turkey and the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt.   star, black flag, white circle, red star

  • CATEGORIES SEARCH:: Far Right Wing Or Extreme Right Wing, Neo-nazi and white supremacist groups


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